Colorado Featured Properties.

Since the earliest days on the Internet, our company's

featured properties were the first ones for sale on the Internet worldwide.

Our real estate photos, our photo galleries of our listed properties,

and our first full-motion property videos—were all the first ones on the Internet.

Featured properties.

SOLD all our listings! 

See our SEARCH page for listings all over Colorado,
and our new homes link below.


More About Our Colorado Featured Properties.

Today, our listed properties have their own unique online and

print brochures created with the most up-to-date software.

When you list with us, your property will have ads on social networks

and direct emails to targeted, interested buyers,

followed up by a team you can trust, whose timely service, expertise,

professionalism, and decades of local real estate knowledge

and experience was learned not only through established protocols,

but also through a continuous online presence

as the first real estate company on the Internet.

For more information,

contact your professional Colorado Broker:

Contact phone: 
        970-423-7230 email: info@colocp.com

Search the MLS.
Search the Multiple Listing Service for Colorado properties.
Residential and commercial.

Search for New Homes.
Nothing says contemporary like a newly built home.
Search for only NEW homes here: New Construction Home Listings.

Your Property's Value.
Are you thinking of selling? How much is your property worth?
Discover its market value with a professional
Broker's comparative market analysis: contact us today.

Contemporary Properties.

Explore our area's best new homes,

with photos, floorplans and prices.


Equal Housing Opportunity
First on the Internet

Contact Info: phone 970-423-7230 email info@colocp.com